A bowser provides a quick and easy way to get fresh water to the location of your choice.
This 600 litre version has a large diameter ventilated lid at the top of the unit to enable easy filling and the outlet is a 3.5m pipe (2 inch diameter) with a ¼ turn tap. Fill the tank from the supply – empty the tank via the pipe into your troughs or wherever it’s needed.
SLB620 – the 600litre bowser range starts with a gravity feed bowser
SLB620H – if required you can specify an engine/pump which discharges the contents into elevated tanks or troughs. With a powered pump there is also an option of a suction hose kit which allows you to “self-fill” the bowser from any available fresh water source.
SLB620HM – this option is the same as above with the addition of a menage watering kit, ideal for ‘damping down’ arenas when it gets hot and dusty in the summer months. This option is designed for the equestrian market